OBJECTIVE: Artificial Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Sabotage
The military conducted an experiment by mixing human bodies with mechanical parts. Their first experiment leads to the creation of the ultimate weapon of war 'A.L.I.A.S' (Artificial Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Sabotage). This is the first episode of the A.L.I.A.S series, a quality side scroller mixed with some elements of a shooter game. Well, see by yourself and take the command of the biomechanical hero, and calm down the evil machines!
In this action packed multi level game, you've to help A.L.I.A.S to battle his way through the army base and blast all the enemies and obstacles with his high fire rate gun. Each kill restores a bit of health (power-ups help for that, too). At the end of the game, your score will be multiplied by the number corresponding to the chosen difficulty level. | CONTROLS: Move Left | A Key | Move Right | D Key | Jump/Climb Up | W Key | Crouch/Roll/ Climb Down | S Key | Aim | Mouse | Fire | Left Click |